Friday, 26 August 2016

Explore Parliament Card 7

Card 7
How is the Government answerable for decisions it makes?

In pairs, create a question for each of the ten answers. For example, for number 1, the question is: What is the name for the extra questions that MP’s can ask during question time?

Supplementary Questions - What is a question called that an MP asks The PM?

Parliament debates it at length - What happens after the minister of finance delivers the budget?

Hansard - What is the official record of debates called?

Confidence of the House - What is the phrase that the government says when you know you're going to win the vote?

Stonewalling or filibustering - What is a legal in Parliament now?

There were no time limits - How long would people speak before 1894?

Opposition spokespersons - what is the name of the debating person opposing the government?

Members are drawn from different parliamentary parties -

The government must explain and justify its intentions - What must the government do before passing a law?

They may choose new representatives - What happens if a representative wants to resign or retire?

Friday, 5 August 2016

Explore Parliament Card 2

Explore Parliament Card 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  1. There are 120 seats in Parliament  -  True        
  2. The total of 77 electorates.   -   False
  3. In MMP, parties can join together to form a Government  -   True  
  4. An MP can be on a party list and still represent an electorate. -  True
  5. MMP stands for mixed -member proportional. -  True
  6. In 1868, all males were given the  right to vote. -  False
  7. A political party can have MP’s in Parliament even if it doesn’t win an electorate seat.  - True
  8. New Zealand women won the right to vote before men.   -  False
  9. Any person living in New Zealand can vote in an election.   - False
  10. Every electorate is represented by one MP   -  True

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

1st day at Electronics

      Before an emergency we should:

     1. Make a household Emergency plan .
     2. Have Emergency Survival items 
     3. Have a getaway Kit 
     Our Family would need 54 Litres of Water  stored 

    I need a torch. At Electronics I am going to make an Emergency Light. 
Never Happens? Happens.