Friday, 6 May 2016

My Holiday Recount

Holiday Recount

It was squishy in the car. Really squishy. All the bags and pillows and blankets were around me and it was making me so hot. When we turned into my cousin’s driveway I sighed, I was so tired and hungry and I just wanted to get out and see them. As soon as the car stopped I jumped out ran up the stairs and my cousins were there waiting for us, waiting for me.  

They gave us big hugs and told us to come inside so we could have some afternoon tea. I was so excited when I saw my Granny walk in the door with a big suitcase “Hello” she said “ I love your top” she said giving me a hug “ Thanks” I said, “Are you wearing that to the party?”   “um, no” I said  “ Hurry Up then go and get changed then.”

We were at Aunty Cerise’s Party, all of us. It was for her birthday and her anniversary “ so she got married on her birthday?” Caitlin asked me “ yeah I guess”
I said. When it was dinner lots of speeches were said. There were lots of people who I didn’t know. I was cold and I wanted to go home I watched a dvd inside then I got bored so I spied on everyone who was in the kitchen I stood up on the tiny thin, brown ledge and watched them I listened to what they said but then Alice (my cousin)
Saw me she told me I was going home “what about you?”  “ I get to stay longer” “oh!” I said.

I couldn’t get to sleep at my cousin's house I was on their inflatable mattress and it was really uncomfortable I twisted and turned but I must of fell  asleep because when I woke up everyone was packing up not long after I got dressed dad said “ Right we’re off” We gave them big hugs. It was squishy in the car. Really squishy…


  1. i love this story. Its full of great details. i like how at the end of your story, it started of like the start! "It was squishy in the car, Really squishy..."

  2. Lovely work Imogen
